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Recipe: Cheeze and Vegemite Scrolls


An Australian classic! You either have a love or hate relationship with Vegemite.

This months recipe comes from the incredible Vegan foodie, Kylie Freeman (@veganasfug).

Cheeze and Vegemite Scrolls


Bechamel Sauce:

Equal amounts of Nuttlex (or any other dairy free butter)

Plain Flour

Sprinkle of salt

Bonsoy Milk

Jar of Vegemite

2 sheets of Puff Pastry (Pampas brand!)

Vegan Mozzarella


  1. Pre heat oven to 180 degrees

  2. Prepare your Béchamel sauce. Melting Nuttelex in a sauce pan, then add in equal amounts of Plain Flour and a sprinkle of salt. Gradually whisk in Bonsoy until it settles at the right consistency.

  3. Lay out 2 sheets of Puff pastry on your bench top. Spread some Vegemite on each sheet of puff pastry.

  4. Pour over your Béchamel sauce and then sprinkle over a generous amount of vegan mozzarella.

  5. Roll up the puff pastry sheets tightly and place in the fridge.

  6. Once cold, slice your Scrolls into 2-3cm slices.

  7. Place on a lined baking tray for about 10-15 mins or golden.

  8. ENJOY!



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