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Even in the face of adversity, there is much to be grateful for.


In this beautifully illustrated children’s book, Sam the blind donkey enjoys his many blessings. In particular, the warm sun, tasty treats and making a new friend in Jack.


Sam’s story is suitable for kids of all ages.


Sam the Blind Donkey has been self published as a fundraiser for Happily Heifer After. 100% of the money raised from the sale of the books goes straight back into our mission of helping animals in need.


About the Author 

Mavis Armstrong is an animal lover, children’s book author and illustrator, excellent baker and jam maker and Sam’s biggest fan.


We are incredibly grateful for Mavis’ generosity, kindness and tenacity. This book has been an act of pure, unconditional love. We are so happy and lucky to have Mavis and the delight that is her friendship. 


About the ‘real’ Sam 

The Sam in this book is fictional. The real Sam passed away in early 2024. He was an advocate for animals with disabilities, an intergral part of the animal therapy program and a much loved member of Happily Heifer After.


Book details

For Ages: 5+ years old

Format: Paperback 

Language: English 

Number Of Pages: 24

Published: 10 May 2022

Country of Publication: AU

Dimensions (mm) 148 x 210, A5

Sam the Blind Donkey

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